Contact Us
Address | Opening Hours | Contact Info | Location & Directions
Where to find us:
Stromstraße 13 / Gate 1,
2410 Hainburg an der Donau,
Opening Hours
Reception Hours:
8:00 AM - 18:00 PM
Contact Info
For Bookings:
+43 670 5528 664
Regarding the Website or our Social Media Profiles:
+43 681 8180 4780

Location & Directions
Arriving by bike, train, car, or even by boat? The directions below should make it as easy as possible to find your way to the Ecovillage!

Ecovillage Map
The address of the Ecovillage is Stromstraße 13 / Gate 1, 2410 Hainburg
After your arrival at the destination, look out for the signs “Gate 1” and “Ecovillage”. The wooden sliding gate should be open for your entry.
Follow the path until the treehouse is to your left. Then, facing the treehouse, follow the cobblestone paths to your Willow Wagon. Our Tiny House Wagons are numbered from left to right.

Arriving by train, bus or boat? We’re always happy to give you instructions on the fastest (or prettiest) way to get here.
Follow us on Social Media!
We post regular updates of our progress and lots of pretty pictures on Instagram and Facebook.
You can listen to our Ecovillage Playlist and if you want to support us, you can come help us via workaway or buy us a cup of coffee. We’d also appreciate it if you took the time to give us a Google Maps review!
Enjoy an Unforgettable Experience in Hainburg
We are looking forward to having you stay with us!
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